Einstein’s Compound Interest The 8th Wonder of the World

According to Einstein, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” At first this quote might seem like a bit of an exaggeration accountant for startups but the math behind it shows that it is not. Compounding is a process where interest is credited, not only to the original ‘principal’ amount, but also to previously earned interest.

  • During the pandemic, DCF was impacted only by 3% (2020 vs. 2019).
  • The kind of time that young people have today to compound their investments makes old hedge fund cats salivate.
  • If we need to consider more than one year, n will be equal to m multiplied by the number of years we consider.
  • People who are destroyers instead of creators.

Being able to reinvest some or all of the distribution payment turbocharges your income potential. Using a DRIP calculator is a useful way to understand the implications of compound interest. In the example below I input an example DRIP of 1000 shares of EPD. This calculator assumed a 5% distribution growth rate and a commensurate 5% unit price appreciation. The single biggest way to benefit from compounding is to start investing as early as possible.

Compound interest is the concept of earning interest on interest. Let’s say you put $100 into a savings account and that balance grows to $105 by virtue of earning interest. From there, you’ll be able to accrue interest on not just your initial $100, but rather, on $105. But if you’d rather grow your money into a larger sum over time, then investing it is your best bet. And the sooner you start investing, the more wealth you stand to accumulate.

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That might not seem like much, but understanding that simple fact can have a major impact on your financial success. An investor focused on compounding interest will instead look for the company that is growing slowly and surely. Like the slow tortoise, conservative investments beat out high flying “trendy” stocks.

Shifting to a self-funded business model for growth has allowed EPD to fund billions of dollars worth of growth projects without having to rely on debt or equity markets. Not only does this minimize financial risk, but it also enhances its return on invested capital by reducing interest expenses in future projects. Most people would go for the $10 million option as it is hard to imagine that $1 doubling 30 times will become $1.07 billion! This is the power of compound interest – your principal would accumulate with interest earned during the investment period, yielding more returns. The longer the investment period, the more you will benefit from compound interest. The author of How a Second Grader Beats Wall Street, Roth teaches investments and behavioral finance at the University of Denver and is a frequent speaker.

You’ll end up putting in $60,000 in that case, but you’ll only end up with $87,000. That’s a $27,000 gain — not a negligible sum, but not nearly as impressive as a gain of $155,000. Thus, taking the compounding effect into account, the real amount of interest paid during a year is higher than only considering the nominal interest. Thus, at the end of 10 years, you will have to repay a total of R8,235.05 (the principal of R5,000 plus the interest of R3,235.05).

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We are living a real example of this now – High Inflation Rates in 2022 are a product of high inflation in 2021 and 2022. Under the recession scenario, unit holders should be prepared for more of the same. EPD is financially secure enough to keep the compounding effect intact. Regardless of how much you make, the sooner you get started the better the 8th wonder of the world will start working for you—and a penny saved today could mean millions in retirement. Now, just for fun, imagine in the above example that each period represented a year instead of a day.

His columns will specifically avoid the foolishness of predicting the next hot stock or what the stock market will do next month. Let’s say that you are able to squeak out a higher rate of return, because of your diligence and insight. If you earned 8% and made the same payments for 30 years, you would have grown your account to $1,622,517. If you only averaged what stocks have averaged since the 1920s (that is, 10%), your account would have grown to $2,468,473.


The kind of time that young people have today to compound their investments makes old hedge fund cats salivate. That’s why they are looking for the fountain of wealth. Only time will tell, but the same is true with your investments.

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As mentioned, it can be annually, monthly, quarterly or bi-annually. Interest only accrues on the principal amount that is invested or borrowed. Usually the interest will accrue annually, but it is important to understand the contract as the accrual may be more often than a year, such as monthly, quarterly or bi-annually.

This interest earned on interest results in the maximisation of returns over time. I am good at financial planning and keep track of the latest developments in financial products and services. Financial planning is a life-long project; the earlier you start financial planning, the sooner you can enjoy the benefits and achieve your financial goals. Albert Einstein once said “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world.

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Over time, this process can turn a small amount of money into a big amount. His ideas on compound interest can provide us with valuable lessons on money matters. Einstein was a remarkable physicist and mathematician. His work on the theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of time, space, and gravity. And yet, it’s a fundamental life skill with big impacts on one’s future.

Compound interest has been called the eighth wonder of the world. It magically turns a little bit of money, invested wisely, into a whole lot of cash. Even Albert Einstein — a bit of a smarty pants — is said to have called it one of the greatest mathematical concepts of our time. Albert Einstein said, “The most powerful force in the Universe is compound interest.” He referred to it as one of the greatest “miracles” known to man.

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